Wed, Jan 25, 23.

Points from the Story [1Kgs 21].

  1. Jezebel organized Sons of Belial against Naboth [1Kgs 21:10].
    1. The concept of Belial (wickedness/evil) having children was not uncommon to the earliest Jews. Moses spoke of children of Belial [Deu 13:13].
    2. Moses and many after him personified Belial (wickedness/evil), which refutes the argument of those who claim that the Devil is a concept invented in the intertestamental period. The Devil was seen as a person as far back as the earliest writings.
  2. God said all the ‘MALES’ in Ahab’s family would die. He described males as ‘THOSE WHO PISS AGAINST THE WALL’. To God, a male is one who has the ability piss against the wall. Women do not have this ability.
  3. Ahab inquired of the prophets of Asherah – who Elijah did not kill. Jehoshaphat knew they were not Yahweh’s prophets and asked for a true prophet of Yahweh [1Kgs 22:8].

Elijah’s Miracles (Continued)

  1. Elijah called down fire from heaven to kill the servants of King Ahaziah the son of Ahab [2Kgs 1:10-12]. This is his 8th miracle.
    1. Calling down fire as proof of prophethood appears to be a staple of Elijah alone. No one else does this. The prophet Micaiah used the fulfilment of his prophecy to Ahab as proof of his prophethood [1Kgs 22:28].
    2. The only other time we see this in scripture is the 2 witnesses who will consume with fire those who try to harm them [Rev 11:1-5] and we know Elijah to be one of these 2 witnesses
    3. Everything Elijah did – including the calling down of fire to consume the messengers of Ahaziah – was at God’s command [1Kgs 18:36]
    4. Elijah and the other witness have specific power to do specific miracles for a specific time period [Rev 11:5-6].
    5. Elijah did not call down fire because he was wicked, it was the Angel of Yahweh who ordered him to do it. This can be seen in the fact that it was the Angel who asked him to go with the 3rd of Ahaziah’s captains. The Angel must have asked him not to go with the earlier 2 captains.
  2. Elijah caused the Jordan to part effortlessly, by striking the water with his garment [2Kgs 2:8]. This was Elijah’s 9th miracle.
  3. Elijah was taken up to heaven. This was Elijah’s 10th and last miracle to date.

Elisha’s Miracles

  1. Elisha parted the Jordan, just as Elijah had done [2Kgs 2:14].
    1. Elisha had faith but could not have done this miracle without getting power from Elijah.
  2. Elisha healed the water at Jericho [2Kgs 2:19-22].
  3. Elisha cursed 42 children who mocked him, and bears came and ate them [2Kgs 2:23-24].
    1. Blessing and cursing is by Yahweh. We learn this from Balaam. Just like Balaam, Elisha could not have cursed the children except by Yahweh.
    2. A prophet cannot just curse because he is anointed.
  4. Elisha prophesied for Jehoram, the son of Ahaziah, the son of Ahab and Jehoshaphat king of Judah [2Kgs 3:11-19].
    1. Elisha did not just prophesy but had to have his mood calmed by a minstrel before prophesying.
  5. The words of Elisha came to pass, and water came up from the ground and Israel defeated the Moabites [2Kgs 3:20-25]